Entrepreneur All-Stars Join the Startup America Partnership

This past January, President Obama called on both the Federal government and the confidential sector to radically increase the success of high-growth entrepreneurs, who are creating jobs and fueling modernism across the country. To help increase their success, the White House-led Startup America proposal has rolled out new policies to benefit fledgling companies (including new efforts to attract and retain immigrant entrepreneurs) in tandem with the independent Startup America Partnership, which has been hard at work mobilizing the private sector to “raise the entrepreneurial game of the United States.”

Today the Startup America Partnership announced two main new developments. First, they appointed their first slate of founding board members, who stand for some of America’s most successful entrepreneurs. The board includes Fred Smith, who came up with the thought for FedEx in a college economics class; Lynn Jurich, who grew SunRun into one of the nation’s leading home solar companies in just the last four years; and Earvin “Magic” Johnson, who has built up Magic Johnson Enterprises and the Magic Johnson Foundation because retiring from the NBA. The full current schedule of board members includes: