On The One Year Anniversary Of The Photo of the Day: My Ten Favorites

Ed. Note: Pete Souza is answering your questions in a live video chat on Thursday, October 28th at 7:00 p.m. EDT. Watch live and learn how you can join the conversation here.

A year ago, my photo editors suggested we start posting a "Photo of the Day" (POD) on the White House website. The idea was to show pictures that viewers do not see anywhere else: behind-the-scenes images of the President and other aspects of life at the White House. (Visit WhiteHouse.gov/Photos for the latest Photo of the Day galleries.)

In the past year, we have selected a new POD at least five days a week (weekend postings depend on the President’s activities). The most popular pictures are ones involving fun moments with the President, or pictures of the family dog, Bo. But, given my extraordinary access, we also try to show the President doing what he spends most of his time doing: running the country.

I chose the following ten pictures to represent the past year of POD’s. They are not necessarily the “best” ten, but are ones that show the variety of situations we have to choose from.

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