Transforming Distressed Neighborhoods into Neighborhoods of Opportunity

Today, the U.S. Department of Education announced a total of $10 million in awards to 21 Promise Neighborhood communities. Promise Neighborhoods is the cornerstone of a broader White House Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative that focuses and coordinates federal resources in order to build communities that promote cradle to career success.

The goal of the Initiative is to support the transformation of distressed neighborhoods into neighborhoods of opportunity – places that provide the resources, and environment that children, youth, and adults need to succeed. This means high-quality schools and educational programs; safe and affordable housing; thriving commercial establishments; art and cultural amenities; and parks and other recreational spaces.

To realize this vision, the Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative ensures that federal and local policy will coordinate to confront the problems facing high-poverty neighborhoods; high unemployment rates, rampant crime, health disparities, inadequate early care and education, and struggling schools contribute to intensify the effects of poverty.

We’re making sure our agencies are working together because we know that neighborhood revitalization can’t happen in silos. We’re taking the broad and integrated approach we know is needed to leverage our resources and increase economic growth and resident well-being in our communities.

For more information on the Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative see below: