The "Hospital Compare" Tool at

When you are sick and have to go to the hospital, you want to know that you’re getting the highest quality care. And if you’re choosing between hospitals, you should be able to make an informed choice and compare the quality of hospitals in your area. That’s where comes in. By visiting, you can quickly access the Hospital Compare tool which analyzes and compares data about the quality of care at more than 4,700 hospitals across the country.
Simply type in your zip code or city and state to access a wealth of information, including data on 44 quality measures such as how well your local hospitals handle conditions like heart attacks and diabetes. Hospital Compare has long been an important resource for patients and it’s only getting better. This year, Hospital Compare includes new data on the use of medical imaging equipment like MRI machines, new information about the quality of care patients with suspected heart attacks receive, and data about infection rates following outpatient surgeries.

Click here to read more about the information about the new Hospital Compare data. Giving consumers an easy way to compare hospitals is just one important way is working to put consumers in charge of their health care. takes the guesswork and confusion out of shopping for insurance and finding the coverage that is right for you and your family. By visiting, you can learn about your new patient rights and benefits, and even use the insurance finder to easily compare insurance choices and choose a health plan that works for you. And the new transparency into plans makes it easier for you to compare plans, which will inspire more robust competition in the insurance marketplace, improve quality and lower costs. 

Check out the site today and while you are there, let us know what we can do to make it better. Wherever you see a yellow box, let us know if the page was helpful to you, and be sure to submit your comments and feedback. So far, we’ve received more than 6,000 responses. will be changing over time – with more data like pricing estimates for insurance plans being added in October – and we want to hear your thoughts about how it can better serve you.